Tape Worm Tabs for Cats 3-PACK (9 tablets)

Tape Worm Tabs for Cats 3-PACK (9 tablets)
Check Price for Tape Worm Tabs for Cats 3-PACK (9 tablets)

Tape Worm Tabs for Cats 3-PACK (9 tablets) Tape Worm Tabs® (praziquantel) for Cats in a tablet form. This product removes the common tapeworms, Dipylidium caninum and Taenia taeniaeformis, from cats and kittens. Tapeworms are one of the most common parasites seen in cats and kittens. Tapeworm Tabs for Cats are safe and effective in removing tapeworms. Where pet owners find fleas, they’ll find tapeworms. Fleas are carriers of tape worm eggs. Your pets may ingest the flea and become infected. A treatment using Frontline can be used to break the flea life cycle at the egging stage to prevent and control the flea infestation. Pet owners can use Tape Worm Tabs to treat their cats and kittens of worm infestation with veterinarian-preferred Tape Worm Tabs. The only FDA approved Praziquantel for over the counter. No Prescription required! Cats become infected with tapeworms after eating fleas or small rodents (rats, mice) which are infected with tapeworm larvae. Tape Worm Tabs® (praziquantel) for Cats are sized for easy oral administration to adult cats or kittens, 6 weeks of age. The tablets may be given direly in the mouth or crashed and mixed with the food. If given with food, mix the tablet(s) with a small amount of the animal’s usual meal. If all of the tablet(s) is/are not eaten, Tapeworm Tablets may not work or remove all tapeworms. Each bottle contains 3 tapeworm tablets. Flea infestation will cause the cat to bite or chew an itchy area. When the tapeworm egg carrying flea is swallowed by a cat, the eggs are ingested and develop into larvae, the larva changes into tapeworm. The tapeworm gets its nutrition from the food that passes through the cat. Tapeworms can grow quite large inside your cat’s intestine. The tail end of the adult tapeworm will break off and gets released with cat’s feces, usually on surface of stool. Tape Worm Tabs for Cats (3 tablets) 100% safe and effective when used according to label directions Only FDA approved Praziquantel Tape Worm Tabs will remove the common tapeworms More Info Tapeworms More information on tapeworms. Dangers of Parasitic Worms Discover the dangers of parasitic worms. Dewormers for Cats Find more deworming treatments. Top Deworming Products Flea and Tick Meds for Cats Treatments for fleas and ticks. –> Tape Worm Tabs® (praziquantel) is FDA approved product..

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