Quest 2% Oral Gel

Quest 2% Oral Gel
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Small strongyles are the #1 parasite in horses. These dangerous invaders are able to “encyst” or encapsulate in the horse’s intestine, living inside a walled-off structure and resist ivermectin dewormers. Only QUEST can penetrate this structure and kill deadly encysted small strongyles in one dose. And that’s just one more reason to make QUEST your clear choice for parasite control. Active Ingredients: Contains 20 mg moxidectin/mL (2.0% w/v) QUEST is indicated for use in horses and ponies, including breeding mares and stallions, and foals four months of age and older. INDICATIONS QUESTR (moxidectin) 2% Equine Oral Gel when administered atthe recommended dose level of 0.4 mg moxidectin/kg (2.2 lb) body weight iseffective in the treatment and control of the following stages ofgastrointestinal parasites in horses and ponies: Large strongyles Strongylus vulgaris – (adults and L4/L5arterial stages); Strongylus edentatus – (adults and tissue stages); Triodontophorusbrevicauda – (adults); Triodontophorus serratus – (adults). Small strongyles Cyathostomum spp. – (adults); Cylicocyclus spp.- (adults); Cylicostephanus spp. – (adults); Gyalocephalus capitatus- (adults); Undifferentiated lumenal larvae. Encysted cyathostomes Late L 3 and L 4 mucosal cyathostomelarvae. Ascarids Parascaris equorum – (adults and L 4 larval stages). Pinworms Oxyuris equi – (adults and L 4 larval stages). Hairworms (adults) Trichostrongylus axei – (adults). Large-mouth stomach worms Habronema muscae – (adults). Horse stomach bots Gasterophilus intestinalis – (2nd and 3rd instars); Gasterophilusnasalis – (3rd instars). One administration of the recommended dose rate of QUEST 2% Equine Oral Gelalso suppresses strongyle egg production through 84 days. Mode of Action: QUESTR 2% Equine Oral Gel acts by interfering withchloride channel-mediated neurotransmission in the parasite. This results inparalysis and elimination of the parasite. Moxidectin is safe for use in horsesand ponies because it does not have the same injurious effect on the mammaliannervous system..

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