Orijen Puppy (28.6 lb)

Orijen Puppy (28.6 lb)
Check Price for Orijen Puppy (28.6 lb)

Orijen Puppy is a premium dog food that has been specially formulated for a growing puppy. %nbsp;Puppies need a different blend of nutrients from adult dogs, and Orijen has created a special blend of vitamins, minerals and nutrients for puppies that has the optimum balance of protein, fat and carbohydrates. This Orijen pet food contains quality protein ingredients such as chicken, turkey and whole eggs, and does not contain any fillers that could upset a puppy’s digestion or trigger latent allergies. Orijen Puppy contains many minerals and nutrients to keep a puppy strong and healthy, and to develop its coat and teeth. Fruits, vegetables and grasses are mixed together within this premium puppy food to accurately simulate what a puppy would be eating in the wild and create a blend of ingredients that would work best for them. Wild-caught fish are also included within the Orijen Puppy flavors, which are never farmed and never contain antibiotics or preservatives. Created specifically for puppies and contains everything a growing puppy needs to thrive High on protein and focuses on very wholesome and healthy sources of lean protein, such as free range turkey and chicken as well as wild caught fish Includes Vitamins, minerals and fatty acids for strong joints, teeth and skin Contains antioxidants to bolster a puppy’s immune system Please Note: All food is shipped via ground delivery, only to the Contiguous (48) States. Please allow 7 to 10 days for your delivery to arrive. (More Info).

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