Aspen Pet Stake Large 18″ Easyturn

Aspen Pet Stake Large 18
Check Price for Aspen Pet Stake Large 18

Rover is going cabin-crazy, it’s warm outside, the garden needs tending, but the dog can’t be running all over the place, especially out front. What to do? It’s time to use the Aspen Pet Stake installed into the front lawn for the afternoon. All combined into one solid, unbreakable tool, the Aspen Pet Stake can be quickly twisted into the ground like a corkscrew to create a sturdy leash hook. Doing so makes sure that Rover can be out front with everyone but won’t run off down the street or bother any of the neighbors walking by. The Aspen Pet Stake in size large comes with a foam-coated handle for easy grip and installation. The operational end of the stake is constructed in stainless steel so it won’t rust or corrode. The Stake is simply aimed, pressed down, twisted in the same direction and installed in a few seconds. To release, the owner simply twists the stake in the opposite direction until free from the soil. This type of control tool makes it easy for your dog to enjoy everyone’s company out front or at a park without becoming a canine nuisance. The Aspen Pet Stake also provides: A 360 degree swivel ring for easy connection of a leash or retention cord so the cable won’t get tangled up. A double-welded shaft for extra strength, especially from sudden tugging by a pet..

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